Monday, March 5, 2012


Life has changed substantially for us over the last 4 months.

December brought the news of my uterus issues (I will post more on that at a later date). The possibility of double ureters going to my kidney's and too many doctor bills from all of the testing. I have hit the inferility "jack pot" it feels like. Unicornuate Uterus, PCOS, MTHFR clotting disorder, and low progesterone due to cruddy eggs. If you ever have fertility questions, I am your gal to ask!

End of December my cousin Michael moved in with us, boy oh boy was that an adjustment for me! I went for grocery shopping for adding a 17 year old to the mix. From enjoying evenings alone with total control over the TV to getting sucked into Swamp Loggers, Pawn Stars, and Ax Men.

Then January hit...Nursing school! Ahh! That in itself is enough to drive a person crazy (or to tears!). I had a WONDERFUL teacher for Nurs 140. She was an utter sweatheart. She is the type of nurse I want to be...pationate about the client's overall well being, loving to teach others what knowledge you have gained, and loving God along the way.

February brought a turning point for me. I finally broke down and let all my emotions out about not doing anything to remember our miscarriage in January. Life had gotten too crazy and I felt down and like a bad mom for not taking the time to remember. After letting it all out and talking to God I felt SO much better. By middle of February I decided it was time for another lifestyle change.

I downloaded MyFitnessPal onto my phone and began tracking my caloric intake and began exercising. James and I are both doing well cand cannot wait to see where we are at the end of this year. In another 5 months James has a doctors appointment to check his cholesterol and triglycerides. He is at a higher chance of stroke and heart attack (oh you gotta love genetics).

Our goal is to lose weight and become healthier, hopefully James can get his triglycerides down and I will be off blood pressure medicine soon!

I am down 10lbs already and it feels darn good!

Anyways...I am now working weekends only (which is 2 weekends on 1 off) and it seems James is working more hours at work! Michael is going to school in Ionia and is a Junior in high school, and sprung it on us after being in jail for the weekend that he is moving out.

We have "tried to shelter" him, he has "never been happy", and "this isn't his life style." Yes, quotes from him. You should have heard my replies...."because we took on the parental role? Because we parented you?" And "what is your "lifestyle" Michael? Jail and then prison?!" Oiy vey! It was an interesting night with him packing, and all the things that came to surface. It is his choice he is a big boy. Old enough to make his own choices but young enough to not think while doing them. We have let him know we will not be a revolving door and if he moves out we are done. It makes us sad, angry, and stressed. But there is nothing we can do. What it boils down to is being caught in lies, and us not letting him bring his dog into our house.

Keep us in your prayers as this week unfolds. Keep Michael in your prayers, because there is nothing we can do. We have dealt with things you dont have to with "normal" teens. The world of circuit court, dropping off for weekend jail time, probation appointments, and learning that a life of hurt in some people means lack of change even when out of the situation. *sigh*

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