Sunday my sisters, Stacey & Missy, and my best friend Jenny went with me to register for our little man.
First we registered at BabysRUs, then we headed over to Target.
It was SO much fun, and made me realize how quickly our little one will be here.
I tried to be realistic when registering, and at first selected clothing...but once I got home took them off.
Because honestly, people are going to buy clothes whether I register or not.
Because baby clothes are stinking ADORABLE!!
AND I have no problem with hand me downs for clothing.
We did begin painting the nursery today though, thanks to my Mom! :-)
I still need to pick up a bit more in there.
But it can wait, until we are mostly done painting,
because I want to steam clean it before setting up our crib
And want painting to be done before then!
Beginning of painting the Nursery! Needs 1 or 2 more coats of yellow! Below the window to the left will be the baby's crib, Still undecided where dresser/changer and glider will go. Would also like to add a shelf/bench for baby books and such. |
Corner of nursery. |
Our very lucky baby's closet! Big and spacious |
I bought 2 onesies the same night of gender reveal This is one of them |
And this is the other one :-) |
I think my sister bought this one... sadly, I didn't remember it when I opened the closet today! And got super excited and happy! |
And this is on the butt of the pants |
I want to do something like this in the bottom of the closet I think I found it on Pinterest, but you can see it here, Unless we do not get a dresser, then there may be some Sterilite drawer units |
Moving around the room from closet |
Continued moving around the room.. |
This is going to go on the wall between door to this corner, thinking about getting sleeping monkey flipped so he can go on branch where hanging one is at going to have to make a cut in the tree so it can fit above and below chair rail And may get the branch and that hanging monkey reversed as well. So the dresser/changer can be away from the door yet, be in between the tree and branch closer to the wall! Found it here on etsy. |
Instead of the leaves on the tree above, I am thinking these alphabet leaves!! Cute, no? Again found on etsy, here
I also plan on getting the elephant, lion, zebra, and possibly tuffs of grass. Found here on etsy.
Not very good on lighting (at all!), so it doesn't give the colors justice...but these are the colors A little unsure of the green, but going to wait until we have a bigger space painted .. and then decide. I bought the cans of paint back when we moved in, because I was SURE we would be pregnant again, soon with a sticky baby. Wrong. So now popping the lids off those cans of paint feels AMAZING. There will be a dark brown chair rail that will match the color of door and trim in room. Also debating about a very very light blue colored ceiling and inside of closet. My sister Stacey suggested it, and I think it might be a go...we shall see... |
My co-worker Nichole bought this fabric to make curtains for the room. The monkey print is for valances, and the brown for curtains. Super cute, this validated thought of putting light blue, but still undecided |
I thought I had decided on a crib, but I have been true to who I am And become undecided. lol This one is Summer Infant's Brayden. 4-1 It was set up at BabysRUs and it was SO solid! It's price is $299, but regardless of crib I plan on buying it when they are 20% off on site and loading VIB card so I can get an additional 10% off essentially because it would be added to the card. Making it 30% off!! Pretty AWESOME if you ask me! Making us pay around $220 with tax.
Then we are planning on getting the dresser/changer pictured on left. Again, quite solid and just what I was looking for, something that can grow with the child! And not be only used for a changing table. This is 399. And will follow same plan as above. Bringing our cost down to around $300 with tax. We might see about buying a dresser from a furniture store, but we shall see! |
This crib is DaVinci's Kalani's 4-1...the one that I had decided upon Pros of this one is it comes with the toddler rail, I can order the conversion kit right online for full sized, and it is about $50 cheaper than the one above. Cons are I do not get to see it set up to see sturdiness and such. I truly walked into babysRus planning on NOT picking one off the floor because I liked this one so much But I was wrong...and now am left undecided.
I am still undecided on baby monitor. Part of me wants to go for AngelCare monitor that has movement with it. Only because I truly know how precious life is, and my cousin died of SIDs at 23 days old. When I was in 5th grade, and I can still remember clear as day going to her funeral. Heartbreaking.
BUT I also know, the regardless of type of monitor God is in control. If I go for this one, with my mom working at walmart she could purchase it 10% off their price Making the one with one monitor about $80. Same with the jogger I want, cheaper at walmart, can get her discount. I am all about saving money!! I even made a registry at Walmart just so she could look at it and see the exact items I wanted :-) So if anyone wanted to get together with my mom if planning on getting one of the items, you could save some money!!
If you look at my registry and see that I am missing something or have registered for something you deem completely necessary PLEASE let me know! I do not want to have people spend money on things that end up being useless.
Tomorrow is my next ultrasound, quite excited to see our little man. Hoping to get quite a few more pictures. Especially ones that include the profile, and face! Hopefully the little buddy is still head down, but not SO low that we cannot get the measurements and pictures still needed. Tomorrow I will be 22w6d (which means picture day!) |
Just a few thoughts we got Jayden's crib & dresser/ changing table combo set from Sam's club. And I feel that it was very solid the crib even converted into a toddler bed, and then a full size bed eventually. Just an idea of a place to check out there may be something there that you would like for a very resonable price. I just went out there and looked at the sets and you could get a bed, changing table, and dresser for $277....
ReplyDeleteAlso we had the angle care sensor monitor and we never used the movement part because when we first brought him home he was to small for the monitor to sense him so it was always going off. Needless to say we never used the movement sensor part of the monitor. Hope that some of this information helps with making decisions!! Can't wait to buy a bunch of good stuff for little man!
I thought of Sam's...but wasn't really sure if we wanted to go that route. Maybe we can come over and look at Jayden's crib sometime? We don't have a sam's card so would need to go with someone to look at them there.
DeleteGood to know you didn't use movement part, I think I am going to end up going with a regular audio sensor. People lived without even the audio sensors for how many years? And his room is RIGHT next to ours.
Soon we get to meet your little girl! :-)
I think that having the movement sensor will make you more nervous than if you didn't have it. When we were in the hospital Braelynn got put on monitors and whenever her heart rate went up it went off. The pads kept coming off so it would go off frequently and believe me I think we would have been better off without it! I really liked the summer baby monitor. I also have the graco one now that works pretty decent and has a vibrate on it. But either way, I am sure you would have him in your room for the first few months until you get more comfortable especially when you're so tired and all you want to do is just grab him and latch him on in the middle of the night and stay where you're at. You will fall asleep while breast feeding. I think everyone goes through it. so have a good comfy chair and maybe a recliner so that you can prop it back during those nights when you just can't make it back to bed ;) Congrats again. We have an appleseed or whatever the brand is from buy buy baby. Love it. Just used my old dresser from my parents house and got a changing table fro a garage sale :) That stuff wont even matter to you once he is here. I would also stock up on a lot of breast pads and some nursing bras once your milk comes in (the bras anyway) The pads, you can never have too many....before I regulated and stopped leaking I went though about 10 boxes! It was rather annoying. Get some loose fitted tank tops also for nursing and don't be afraid to walk around topless because your boobs will be sensitive to even a small amoutn of shirt fabric. I spent some of my days topless and it made a world of difference even though it was in the dead of winter! All in all, may God be with this process and enjoy it! becasue even though all that stuff sounds horrible, it wont seem so bad once it is over! Praises to the big man up stairs! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are probably right, it is a good idea in theory. But probably a huge comfort to mom's that have had a child pass from SIDS. We don't plan on having him in our room at all, our room isn't too far away so I think we will manage. :-)We plan on having a glider rocker w/ottoman in the nursery, I will make sure I think it is pretty darn comfortable.
DeleteI did register for nursing pads, and a friend gave me a box of her unopened ones. So woohoo for that! :-) As much as I am sure James wouldn't mind me walking around topless, I am thinking if anyone else is here helping out they would not enjoy it! lol there are talks of my SIL spending some time here to help out with house work and watch little man if I just need a break and such while we adjust to having the baby home.
I used the changing table for a dresser until we moved to our house, so that was 2.5 years :) I liked it because I could see everything at a glance, and the top part contained diapers, wipes, medicine, etc when he was too big to change him on it. I have the changing table if you want to use it, it's not the most sturdy, it was a hand-me-down from my aunt :) I don't think I bought a single piece of clothing for him, if you do, go to a 2nd hand store, like the one in Grand Ledge. Super cheap!
ReplyDeleteWe didn't use the sensor, but I can very much understand your concerns. Glinke's had one that they offered to me, you probably could try theirs if you wanted. Since he was in the room right next to us, I heard every little burp, and coo, and murmer. God gives such incredible natural gifts to women. We hear certain tones, like baby cries, that men don't hear when asleep. When it get's closer, stock up on a natural dried fruit, granola, etc. I kept that in his room and snacked while he nursed. I remember having so much HUNGER, especially when nursing.
Most of all, follow your gut! God created you to be a mother, and you have proven this for many years with many, many children that weren't yours. You have so much love and compassion, we are so happy for both of you!
I will let you know Renee! I am so indecisive about things! :-) I got the little onesies on clearance, so they weren't too badly priced. I do plan on going to a Mom-2-Mom sale in September. And maybe in October as well to pick up at least a few items.
DeleteI know you are right about mom instincts because James slept like a rock when we would watch Gauge when he was little, but I would wake up at every little noise when he was in the room with us. I definitely plan on stocking up on snacks for me in the nursery. I hear the hunger gets intense when nursing! That and thirst!
You made me tear up Renee, thank you for being such a great role model for what to look forward to when parenting our Son. You are a wonderful friend and I cannot wait for play dates for the little men in our lives. James and I are SO incredibly blessed to have you in our lives. ♥