Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tired Busy Bee

Life has continued, and I assure you it feels like it is at the speed of light.

Matthew is now almost 3 months old. He is 12 weeks. TWELVE, what? How did that happen? Some of his 0-3 clothes are getting too tight, along with his size 1 diapers.

He doesn't sleep well so in 3 months I haven't slept in my bed at night except for a few failed attempts. I am hoping to venture back that way soon. It started out he couldn't sleep on his back due to reflux and me feeling too anxious about putting him on his tummy, and now he loves listening to your heartbeat as he sleeps. Need to break the habit soon, but for now it is allowing me 3-4 hour stretches versus the 2 he does by himself normally (though left in the swing, with it on yesterday night he slept FOUR hours. I almost had a heart attack!).

He is such a cute chunky little boy, this mommy's milk does a little boy good :-) We are talking he has went from 6lbs 3.5oz, 20 inches long to 14lbs, 25 inches long in a little over 2 months. I will weigh him here at home when he turns 3 months, and attempt to measure his length. But I can tell you, he is growing like a weed.

Our a unorganized disaster. It is hard work trying to keep a house clean while nursing an infant.

Speaking of nursing, after six weeks of exclusively pumping I was able to tell the pump we needed to slow it down and take a little bit of a break....because Matthew latched on and now prefers mommy to a bottle, and even thinks I am an all day buffett or a human pacy at times. Not having to wash bottles and pump equipment as often is WONDERFUL. I am even one of those nursing in public sorts now because it is just so much easier. Breastfeeding is kind of empowering, to know that my son survives off from ME is amazing. I try to pump once a day for our freezer supply, and some days I have to pump more often. Like the day I pumped 8oz in 10 minutes, then he ate, and THEN could have pumped more if I truly wanted to. I am so thankful for the ability to breastfeed and avoid the costs of formula thus far. I am hoping to feed him my milk until he is a year.

I started work back up around 9 weeks postpartum, and now at 12 weeks pp I am going to be starting up school. I am excited for it! I am excited to be back with the amazing friends I met this time last year. Trisha truly cracks me up, she says the darndest things that make me laugh. And Christina lives in Charlotte so it will be easy to study w/o going up to the school if we need to.

Can I be honest with you? I shouldn't have failed 145 the first time this time I am banking on it being a piece of cake. This girl is shooting for a high B at the lowest. Especially since the exams have to be the same, and 145's test got written last year. And this girl is pretty good at remembering test questions, so the 50% off they gave me for NOT looking at those stupid papers, is going to pan out to be in my favor because I will be taking tests I have seen before....*rolls eyes* it still irks me that I am repeating this class due to being honest.

Then I look at Matthew and remind myself God had a plan. And life wouldn't be the same without him.

More soon.
Because as most should be aware once in school writing becomes a form or procrastination ;-) bahaha and Matthew is now getting old enough that he enjoys a little longer time periods by himself at times.

Sleep calls. It has been a long night for us. <3

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