How low? SO low that they cannnot get a good picture of the head or profile. How crazy is that? And that is even with a transvaginal ultrasound. I did get the update at our anatomy scan that they will be doing ultrasounds at every appointment to watch for cervical length AND growth of the baby. There can be issues with fetal growth in women with UU. I kind of wish the doctors would get on the same page on this one, some have told me no more u/s at 24 weeks, one other said 28, and this last one said every time. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. Regardless, I am not really complaining about all the extra peeks into our baby's world. Even if it is because we are considered high risk. I am currently 21w1d and a little less than 3 weeks from viability!! Which is a pretty big sigh of relief.
At the anatomy scan, we had the ultrasound tech turn the screen when looking for baby's gender. And had her write it in an envelope, and put a picture of the gender in a manilla envelope. Baby was measuring 3 days ahead of date set from first ultrasound, which had me due at 12/19. But they kept my due date according to last period, making me due 12/17. So baby is growing ahead of both! Baby was measuring 11oz (which was ahead of schedule of "normal" as well), head down, and feeling quite lazy after being busy that morning from the caffeine I had drank. My sisters Missy and Stacey were with James and me at the appointment, and were quite excited to see the baby.
We got these cute little pictures....
And most importantly this is envelope that will help us know what the baby is going to be...

The gender reveal is August 11th, this Saturday!! Only 2 days away!! Current guest list for party is at 37 people. With an additional possible 8 or so more people coming.
I ordered the half a sheet cake today, it serves 48. I am contemplating adding on a dozen cupcakes as well. The sheet cake is going to be marble with colored butter cream frosting in middle, covered in whipped cream frosting. Decorated in pink and blue polka dots and question marks. Still working on the wording for it...
And if I order cupcakes they will be chocolate, with chocolate frosting. With colored cream filling. (Doesn't that sound DELICIOUS!!) are the bump photos! I will give you the comparisons :-)
I also wanted to share my amazing idea (ok kind of stolen a little bit from pinterest) for our gender party.
I am purchasing a book, and I am going to have guests sign the front inside cover, with room on the back page as well. On the back cover I am going to write the baby a letter about my feelings that morning and the journey thus far.
Here is the book I purchased...
You can purchase the book HERE
And if you go to above link you can also look at a few of the inside pages of the book.
It brings tears to my eyes every time I read it. I can remember first reading it. I was post second miscarriage, working at the day care. And a little kid asked me to read it to them. Holding back tears I choked out the beginning of the story....
"Good night, sweet child," Mama said as she tucked Little Cub in.
But Little Cub wasn't quite ready to go to sleep.
"Mama, where did I come from?" she asked.
"From God," her mother answered. "Your papa and I were alone, and we wanted a baby."
"And you got me?" Little Cub asked, her voice muffled by the covers.
"Yes, my special child. God gave us you."
Does that not rip at your heart strings? Because it certainly does mine.
Because it is the truth.
Loss after Loss God gave us the experience with THIS special child to be ours to love.
To feel the little kicks, to watch my belly grow, to know that there is life inside of me growing healthy and strong.
If you are going through the dark road of infertility still, I wish God will fill your heart with joy as much as he has mine. And that one day, all of us will have little ones snuggled in our laps that we can read this book to, and know that it holds more meaning to us than other woman may ever know.
Because the road to a baby isn't always easy. It isn't always carefree.
Babies don't always come by accident.
Some of us have to try. And pray. And beg God to answer our prayers.
Some of us have to endure loss after loss.
Some of us spend gobs of money for the hope of having a little one of our own.
Some of us have our faith and relationships stretched to their limits in the journey of waiting for a baby.
We learn storks aren't real. It isn't in the water. And relaxing doesn't always help.
To those of you still on this path, I pray hope stays in your heart. That you are able to lean on God.
And that those of us that know your pain and suffering do not forget and in turn hurt you.
I am beyond excited to one day read this book to our child, to know if we are having a daughter or a son, and enjoy some delicious cake on Saturday!! :-) For now I need to get cleaning last minute stuff for our party. Busy, busy day!
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