I also took a few additional in the outfit I was wearing yesterday. Goodwill and Craigslist finds on the clothing!
Definite bump, don't tell me I don't look pregnant.
Because it means I just look fat. |
Wowza to legs, and not to happy with how shorts look on me (but super cheap and have a FULL band which is WONDERFUL)
but look at belly! SO stinking happy overall! |
My view from up top. If you look, you can tell baby sits on the right. |
I am going to keep this short and simple as I can (ok I know I am long winded)
My house smells like dog pee, if it isn't one thing it is another.
Cat pee last week, dog pee this week.
Bring it on! :-)
(Except please no smells that make me physically gag and run to trash/toilet just in case puking actually happens)
My cervix is holding up AMAZING at 4.48cm
Baby is measuring right on track at 23w1d (exact from LMP)
Heartbeat was 143 this time.
Baby weighs about 1lb 4oz
My belly is measuring 25 weeks, but doctor said baby's growth is right on track in 55th percentile, so nothing to worry about.
Baby also hid his face from us, hands up by face and everything.
Head so far down , even poking and prodding didn't make him move. AT ALL.
We managed to see his ear, eyes (or black spots rather), nose, and top lip.
No profile. Again. And as soon as out of u/s room what did baby do?
Kick and move up quite a bit.
Little stinker.
As per lovely varicose veins, TMI, so read at own risk....
I work in the medical field and tell it like it is...
I honestly didn't know that varicose veins on your lady parts could be a concern,
Until I was swollen and sore. Poor James had to confirm because doctor couldn't get me in.
BUT thankfully I learned that I don't look too bad down there,
Because doctor informed me it could be worse...
She said she has seen it so bad that it looks like a bag of worms.
Yes, on your lady bits. I am sure you get the (disgusting) picture
(curious? *probably not I know* upon googling about this lovely affliction I read
people call it cheeseburger crotch...DIS-FRIGGING-SCUSTING).
So I got my script for a lovely contraption that looks like a female jock strap. Joy.
(The V2 Supporter if you are curious)
And she informed me the varicose veins get worse with each subsequent pregnancy.
And that they may not go away after pregnancy but after a few months wont be sore any more.
If this is the case, I am getting surgery I think...because GROSS
God loves me. Can't you tell?! ;-)
*sigh* James is going to need a blind fold to be intimate with me!!
ok, or maybe I will need him to be blind folded to be comfortable...
( I also realized spelled varicose wrong in photo above, so photo editing will need to be in order )
Done with TMI talk, I promise
Got the plan of action for the rest of the pregnancy:
25w - transvaginal u/s to check for cervical length, and regular to check for profile, again
27w - glucose results, transvaginal u/s to check for cervical length, and regular to check for fetal growth
32w - begins weekly non stress test (NST) and ultrasound to check level of amniotic fluid, ALSO monthly fetal growth check
33w-35w - NST & Fluid Check
36 w - NST, Fluid Check, AND Fetal growth check, as well as beginning heparin 2x a day instead of lovenox once a day.
That's it for now, nap time, then quick picking up and vacuuming before my sister gets here to help me clean carpets, and possibly work on nursery some more.
THEN maybe grocery shopping.
Thank goodness for this day off, because my allergies are kicking my booty.